

Research Papers/Reviews

Mota PI, Galova M, Schleiffer A, Nguyen TT, Kovacikova I, Saad CF, Litos G, Nishiyama T, Gregan J, Peters J-M, Schlögelhofer P, Sororin is an evolutionary conserved antagonist of WAPL. Nature Communications 15, 4729 (2024)

Kinoshita Y, Nishiyama T, 姉妹染色分体間接着因子コヒーシンの一分子動態解析 生物物理 Vol.63 No.1 21-23 (2023)

Tane S, Shintomi K, Tsubota Y, Yoshida MM, Nishiyama T, Hirano T, Cell cycle-specific loading of condensin I is regulated by the N-terminal tail of its kleisin subunit. Elife, 13 Dec (2022).

Nishiyama T ed.,(特集)DNAの物性から理解するゲノムモダリティ 月刊細胞 Vol.54 No.11 2-23 (2022).

Sakata R, Nishiyama T, SMCタンパク質複合体による染色体高次構造制御 実験医学増刊 Vol.40 No.12 24-31 (2022).

Kinoshita K, Tsubota Y, Tane S, Aizawa Y, Sakata R, Takeuchi K, Shintomi K, Nishiyama T, Hirano T, A loop extrusion-independent mechanism contributes to condensin I-mediated chromosome shaping. The Journal of Cell Biology, 221 (3) (2022).

Sakata R, Niwa K, Ugarte La Torre D, Gu C, Tahara E, Takada S, Nishiyama T, Opening of cohesin’s SMC ring is essential for timely DNA replication and DNA loop formation. Cell Rep. 35(4):108999 (2021)

Sakata R, Nishiyama T, DNAループを押し出す〜ゲノム高次構造形成の原動力〜 News & Hot Paper Digest 実験医学 Vol.38 No.4 571-572 (2020).

Nishiyama T, Compartments in the Ring. Molecular Cell 75(2), 201-203 (2019).

Nishiyama T, Cohesion and cohesin-dependent chromatin organization. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 58, 8-14(2018).

Nishiyama T, コヒーシン・コンデンシンの一分子解析 実験医学増刊 Vol.36 No.17 126-134 (2018).

Yamada T, Tahara E, Kanke M, Kuwata K, Nishiyama T. Drosophila Dalmatian combines sororin and shugoshin roles in establishment and protection of cohesion. The EMBO Journal 36, 1513-1527 (2017).

Kanke M, Tahara E, Huis in’t Veld PJ, Nishiyama T. Cohesin acetylation and Wapl‐Pds5 oppositely regulate translocation of cohesin along DNA. The EMBO Journal 35, 2686-2698 (2016).

Nishiyama T, Sykora MM, Huis In ‘t Veld PJ, Mechtler K, Peters JM. Aurora B and Cdk1 mediate Wapl activation and release of acetylated cohesin from chromosomes by phosphorylating Sororin. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110, 13404-9 (2013).

Tedeschi A, Wutz G, Huet S, Jaritz M, Wuensche A, Schirghuber E, Davidson IF, Tang W, Cisneros DA, Bhaskara V, Nishiyama T, Vaziri A, Wutz A, Ellenberg J and Peters JM. Wapl is an essential regulator of chromatin structure and chromosome segregation
Nature 501, 564-8 (2013).

Peters JM. Nishiyama T. Sister Chromatid Cohesion. “DNA replication” (eds Stephen D. Bell, Marcel Méchali, and Melvin L. DePamphilis), Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 2012 Nov 1;4(11).

Nishiyama T, Ladurner R, Schmitz J, Kreidl E, Schleiffer A, Bhaskara V, Bando M, Shirahige K, Hyman AA, Mechtler K, Peters JM. Sororin mediates sister chromatid cohesion by antagonizing Wapl. Cell 143, 737-49 (2010).

Nishiyama T, Ohsumi K.  Molecular mechanisms for meiotic arrest that is cancelled by fertilization in vertebrate eggs. 蛋白質核酸酵素 53(3), 207-16 (2008).

Nishiyama T, Yoshizaki N, Kishimoto T, Ohsumi K. Transient activation of calcineurin is essential to initiate embryonic development in Xenopus laevis. Nature. 449, 341-345 (2007).

Nishiyama T, Ohsumi K, Kishimoto T. Phosphorylation of Erp1 by p90rsk is required for cytostatic factor arrest in Xenopus laevis eggs. Nature. 446, 1096-1099 (2007).

Book Chapter

Nishiyama T, Tachibana K, Kishimoto T. Cytostatic arrest: post-ovulation arrest until fertilization in metazoan oocytes. Oogenesis: the universal process (eds Marie-Helene Verlhac and Anne Villeneuve), Wiley-Backwell, pp 357-384 (2010)


The Cell Cycle: principles of Control. Oxford University Press, London (Chapter 9)
David O. Morgan (2007)
細胞周期「細胞増殖の制御メカニズム」(監訳 中山敬一・中山啓子)


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